dark brown crystalline powder
2,2′-Bipyridinium chlorochromate is an air-stable and nonhygroscopic solid; it can be stored for extended periods protected from light and over calcium chloride. Solvents must be anhydrous and free of reducing impurities. 2,2′-Bipyridinium chlorochromate is reputed to be a toxic agent. The reagent should be handled in a fume hood.
Wash it with cold conc HCl, then H2O (sintered glass funnel) and dry it in a vacuum (CaCl2) to give a free-flowing yellow-brown powder. Store it in the dark. [Guziec & Luzzio Synthesis 691 1980, Chakraborty & Chandrasekaran Synth Commun 10 951 1980.] SUSPECTED CARCINOGEN.