RSL3 (1219810-16-8) Inhibits glutathione peroxidase (GPX4) inducing ferroptosis.1,2? Effectively induces ferroptosis in glioblastoma cells.3? Everolimus in combination with RSL3 synergistically inhibits the viability of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) cells suggesting a mechanism by which RCC drug resistance may be overcome.4
rsl3, which was a glutathione peroxidase (gpx) 4 inhibitor, had been cooperated with the smac mimetic bv6 to induce reactive oxygen species (ros)-dependent cell death in acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells. it was found that addition of the caspase inhibitor failed to rescue ros-induced cell death, suggesting that rsl3-induced cell death occured in a caspase-independent manner. moreover, the iron chelator deferoxamine inhibited rsl3/bv6-induced cell death significantly, however, it could not rescue cell death by erastin/bv6, indicating that rsl3/bv6-, but not erastin/bv6-mediated cell death depended on iron. in addition, it was shown that ros production was required for both rsl3/bv6- and erastin/bv6-induced cell death. in contrast, genetic or pharmacological inhibition of lipid peroxidation by gpx4 overexpression significantly decreased rsl3/bv6-induced cell death. of importance, inhibition of lipid peroxidation could protect from rsl3/bv6-stimulated ros production [1].
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