A minor alkaloid of the colchicine class, this base was first isolated from the
seeds and corms of Colchicum autumnale, Gloriosa virescens and Littoria modesta
and subsequently by Russian workers from Merendera robusta Bge. Several
specific rotations have been measured, e.g. [α]D - 184°, - 152° and - 180°
(all in CHC13). The base is separated from the numerous accompanying alkaloids
by chromatography and countercurrent distribution.
Potesilova, Hrbek, Santavy, Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun., 32, 141 (1967)
Trudykulov, Yusupov, Sadykov, Khim. Prir. Soedin., 8,247 (1972)
Yusupov, Tr. Tashkent Fan., Uzbek SSR, 20, 24 (1972)