A white, crystalline powder; odorless;
slight salty taste followed by sweetish aftertaste.
Decomposes on exposure to light, solutions are
neutral to litmus. Soluble in water; very soluble
in methanol; slightly soluble in alcohol; practically
insoluble in
Radiopaque contrast medium.
Abrodil;Myelotrast;Neo-sombraven;Sergozin;Skiodan sodium;Urombal.
World Health Organization (WHO)
Methiodal sodium, a radio-opaque medium, was formerly used for
the examination of the urinary tract. Its use was associated with muscle spasms
presumed to result from irritation of motor nerve roots in the spinal canal. This led
to its withdrawal in Sweden in 1975 when a safer alternative became available.
Preparations containing methiodal sodium were subsequently withdrawn
worldwide by the manufacturer.