A suspension containing 1 part by weight of adrenalin and 2 to 6 parts by
weight of silver oxide in 150 to 250 parts by weight of methanol or ethanol is
stirred for about 10 minutes. The alcoholic adrenochrome solution obtained is
separated by draining and the filtrate is quickly evaporated to dryness at low
temperature and in vacuo. The red crystals of adrenochrome obtained are
dissolved in 45 to 55 parts by weight of water. To this solution, 2 parts of
sodium acetate dissolved in 2 to 3 parts of water and 2 parts of semicarbazide
hydrochloride dissolved in 2 to 3 parts of water are added. The formed
precipitate consisting of red-orange prismatic needles is separated by filtration
and recrystallized from diluted ethanol. There is obtained 0.30 to 0.40 part by
weight of adrenochrome monosemicarbazone dihydrate, melting at 203°C with