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CXCR antagonist
GPCR & G Protein
Biochemical Engineering
Organic Chemistry
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- Structure:
- Chemical Name:PLERIXAFOR
- CAS:110078-46-1
- MF:C28H54N8
- Structure:
- Chemical Name:Plerixafor 8HCl (AMD3100 8HCl)
- CAS:155148-31-5
- MF:C28H54N8
- Structure:
- Chemical Name:N1,N4-Di-2-pyridinyl-1,4-benzenedimethanamine
- CAS:55778-02-4
- MF:C18H18N4
- Structure:
- Chemical Name:SB 225002
- CAS:182498-32-4
- MF:C13H10BrN3O4