Silver acetate (C2H3AgO2) is a photosensitive, white, crystalline solid which is widely used in the laboratory. As a source of silver ions lacking an oxidizing anion, it is a useful reagent for direct ortho-arylation, and for conversion of organohalogen compounds into alcohols, etc. It also serves as a catalyst to effectively catalyze the cycloaddition reactions of isocyanoacetates with a variety of olefins. It can be employed in the novel preparation of highly reflective, conductive silvered polymer films.Besides, it has applications in some antismoking drugs and in the health field, in which the products containing silver acetate have been applied in spray, and lozenges to deter smokers from smoking. When mixed with smoke, the silver acetate creates an unpleasant metallic taste in the smoker's mouth, thereby preventing them from smoking.