(1) 비소 : 이 품목을 비소시험법에 따라 시험할 때, 그 양은 4.0ppm 이하이어야 한다.
(2) 납 : 이 품목 5.0g을 취하여 원자흡광광도법 또는 유도결합플라즈마발광광도법에 따라 시험할 때, 그 양은 2.0ppm 이하이어야 한다.
(1) 이 품목 0.01g에 알콜성수산화칼륨시액에 10mL를 가하여 가온하여 녹일 때, 액은 황색을 나타낸다.
(2) 이 품목 0.01g을 클로로포름 5mL에 녹인 다음 황산 4방울을 가하여 흔들어 섞을 때, 액은 황색을 나타낸다. 이 액에 무수초산 10방울을 가할 때, 액은 적자색을 지나 서서히 녹색을 나타낸다.
(3) 이 품목 0.01g을 클로로포름 5mL에 녹인 다음 황산 5방울을 가하여 진탕하여 섞은 다음 정치할 때, 클로로포름층은 담황색, 수층은 등색을 나타낸다.
(4) 이 품목의 n-헵탄용액(1→100,000)은 파장 229~233nm, 289~293nm 및 313~317nm에 극대흡수부가 있다.
이 품목을 건조하여 약 0.05g을 정밀히 달아 n-헵탄 70mL를 가하여 70~80℃에서 가온하여 녹인 다음 n-헵탄을 가하여 정확히 100mL로 한다. 이 액 2mL를 정확히 취하여 n-헵탄을 가하여 100mL로 한 것을 시험용액으로 한다. n-헵탄을 대조액으로 하여 액층 1cm, 파장 315nm 부근의 극대흡수파장에서 시험용액의 흡광도 A를 측정하여 다음 계산식에 따라 오리자놀A 함량(mg)을 구한다.
오리자놀A의 함량(mg) =
A × 5,000
검체의 채취량(g) × 359
이 품목은 미강, 배아유 등을 실온의 함수에탄올 및 헥산 또는 아세톤으로 분배시킨 후 함수에탄올획분에서 얻어지거나 또는 이를 수지처리후 정제하여 얻어지는 물질로서 성분은 γ-오리자놀이다.
이 품목을 정밀히 달아 강열잔류물시험법에 따라 시험할 때, 그 양은 0.1% 이하이어야 한다.
Gamma oryzanol is a lipid fraction derived from rice-bran oil. Oryzanol was first isolated from rice-bran oil in the 1950s. Several lipid fractions were isolated from the oil.The third (gamma) fraction isolated was oryzanol.It is made up of a mixture of ferulic acid esters and plant sterols. Similar in structure to cholesterol, the phytosterols and triterpenes that comprise oryzanol include campesterol, stigmasterol, beta sitosterol, cycloartanol, and cycloartenol. Because phytosterols are poorly absorbed, it has been suggested that they may reduce blood cholesterol by inhibiting intestinal cholesterol absorption.In contrast, the ferulic acid portion of gamma oryzanol is easily absorbed into the body's tissues. Ferulic acid also has demonstrated antioxidant properties in vitro.
화학적 성질
White to Off-White Solid
Gamma oryzanol is found in rice-bran oil, which is commercially available in Japan for use in salad oils and frying.Crude rice-bran oil contains approximately 1.56% oryzanol.Of the 180 mg of plant sterols found in the typical American diet,about 4% is gamma-oryzanol.One cup of brown rice provides 18 mg gamma oryzanol, whereas white rice provides 4mg. The ferulic acid portion of gamma oryzanol is naturally found in the bran of cereals, and in fruits and vegetables.Ferulic acid is also a metabolite of caffeic acid found in coffee.
Gamma Oryzanol is a mixture of 6 substances derived from rice bran oil, including sterols and ferulic acid, called Cycloartanyl Ferulate or Triterpene alcohol ferulate. It has been approved in Japan for several conditions, including menopausal symptoms, mild anxiety, stomach upset, and high cholesterol. In the US, it is widely used as a sports supplement, as well as for reducing cholesterol. gamma oryzanol is widely used as a food additive, pharmaceutical material. In cosmetic area, the application to creams and sunscreens exploiting its skin age resistor function and ultraviolet absorbing effect.
제조 방법
Extraction of gamma oryzanol from processes oil.
Gamma oryzanol can be extracted by liquid-liquid extraction method by using organic solvent or by using supercritical extraction method. The following procedure was followed to extract gamma oryzanol from the oil.
Rice Bran Oil (1 kg)→NaOH and water was added→Stirred and stored for one day at room temperature→Acidified to pH 4 using H2SO4→Heated to 80°C→50g NaCl was added→Oily layer was obtained→ Methanol was added→ Mixture was cooled to 0°C for 2 hrs.→ Waxy component precipitated→ Solution of 5g H2SO4 in 300 ml methanol→ Stored for one day→ Stirred at 40°C to remove/evaporate methanol→ To 100g residue 100g n-hexane was added→ Solvent Distillation→ Treatment of 100 ml methanol was given→ Residue was extracted 3 times with 50ml 0.5N→ methanolicNaOH→ Neutralised with methanolic acetic acid to pH 6.8-7→ Stored to precipitate gamma oryzanol.
The yield of gamma oryzanol was found to be 2.2%
일반 설명
Gamma oryzanol is found in the by-products of the rice industry, such as rice bran and rice bran oil. It exhibits a wide range of biological activities, including anticarcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, antihyperlipidemic, and neuroprotective properties, which are primarily due to its high antioxidant capacity.
Gamma oryzanol has no side effects for horses, dogs or humans.
Toxicity studies on animals demonstrate that gamma oryzanol is a very safe compound. No significant side-effects have been reported in human trials at the above noted recommended dosage.
Some research suggests that gamma oryzanol taken in moderately high amounts (up to 600 mg per day) for several months can cause dry mouth, sleepiness, hot flushes, irritability, and light headedness in some individuals.
Safety Profile
A poison by skin contact. Moderately toxic by intravenous route. Low toxicity by ingestion. Experimental reproductive effects. When heated to decompositionit emits acrid smoke and irritating vapors.
A typical dosage of gamma oryzanol is 500 mg daily.