白色~わずかにうすい褐色, 結晶~結晶性粉末又は塊
現在、市場で販売されているインドールは主に開発研究用試薬製品です。製品容量は、1g , 10g , 25g , 100g , 500gなど、実験室で取り扱いやすい容量で販売されています。メーカーによって室温保管である場合と、冷蔵保管として取り扱われる場合があります。
熱湯, エタノール, ジエチルエーテル, リグロイン, ベンゼンに可溶。鉱油, グリセリンに不溶。熱水、エタノール及びアセトンに溶ける。
インドール,複素環式芳香族化合物の一つで,2,3‐ベンゾピロール,1‐アザインデン,1‐ベンズアゾールなどと呼ばれる。1866年J.F.W.A.vonバイヤーがインジゴの構造研究の際はじめて見いだし,インジゴにちなみ命名された。コールタール,ジャスミン油中に含まれ,またはトリプトファンの代謝生成物として動物の排泄物中に含まれる.工業的には,コールタールの220~270 ℃ 留分から分離するか,アニリンとアセチレンから合成する.また,o-ニトロトルエンとシュウ酸ジエチルを原料としてインドール-2-カルボン酸をつくり,これを脱炭酸して合成される.無色の結晶.融点53 ℃,沸点254 ℃.普通の有機溶媒に可溶.弱酸性化合物でNHのHはpKa 16.97,プロトン化したものはpKa -3.5.λmax 226,282,290 nm(ε 27800,6200,5500).強酸により樹脂化する.特有の悪臭をもつが,希薄溶液にすると特有の芳香になり,香料調合上に不可欠な成分の一つとして利用される.
Indole has an almost floral odor when highly purified. Otherwise,
it exhibits the characteristic odor of feces. It is not very stable on
exposure to light (turns red). Indole may be obtained from the 220
- 260°C boiling fraction of coal tar or by heating sodium phenylglycine-o-carboxylate with NaOH, saturating the aqueous solution
of the melt with C 02, and finally reducing with sodium amalgam;
can be prepared also by the reduction of indoxyl, indoxyl carboxylic acid, or indigo.
Indole has an unpleasant odor at high concentration, odor becomes floral at higher dilutions
Colorless to yellow scales with an unpleasant odor. Turns red on exposure to light and air. Odor
threshold of 0.14 ppm was reported by Buttery et al. (1988).
Reported occurring in several natural products as a complex compound that decomposes during enfleurage or
steam distillation yielding free indole; reported found in the essential oil from flower of Jasminum grandiflorum, in neroli oil and in
the oil extracted from flowers of bitter orange; also reported in the flowers of several plants: lemon, coffee, Hevea brasiliensis and
Randia formosa in the oil extracted from flowers of Jasminum odoratissinium L. and in the oil of Narcissus jonquilla. Also reported
found in apricot, mandarin orange peel oil, grapes, kohlrabi, French fried potato, crispbread, cheeses, butter, milk, milk powder,
boiled egg, fish oil, chicken, beef, pork, beer, rum, Finnish whiskey, red and white wine, coffee, tea, soybean, mushrooms, cauliflower, figs, rice, licorice, buckwheat, malt, wort, elder flower, clary sage, shrimp, okra, crab, clam, squid and green maté
In highly dil solutions the odor is pleasant, hence indole has been used in perfumery.
indole: A yellow solid, C8H7N, m.p.52°C. Its molecules consist of a benzenering fused to a nitrogen-containingfive-membered ring. It occurs insome plants and in coal tar, and isproduced in faeces by bacterial action.It is used in making perfumes.Indole has the nitrogen atom positionednext to the fused benzenering. An isomer with the nitrogentwo atoms away from the fused ringis called isoindole.
Obtained from the 220 to 260°C boiling fraction of coal tar or by heating sodium phenyl-glycine-o-carboxylate with
NaOH, saturating the aqueous solution of the melt with CO2 and finally reducing with sodium amalgam; can be prepared also by the
reduction of indoxyl, indoxyl carboxylic acid or indigo.
Indole is classified under the volatile flavor compounds (VFCs). It is known to play significant role in various biological functions such as anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant, cardiovascular and antibacterial activities.
A carcinogen.
Low to moderate toxicity was observed inexperimental animals resulting from oral orsubcutaneous administration of indole. Theoral LD50 value in rats is 1000 mg/kg. It is ananimal carcinogen. It caused tumors in bloodand lungs in mice subjected to subcutaneousadministration.
Noncombustible solid.
また、インドールの構造 (インドール環) はいろいろな有機化合物、特に生体物質に含まれています。多くの重要なアルカロイドにインドール母核構造が存在しており、インドール誘導体から作られた医薬品は多いです。
インドール誘導体の一部は19世紀末まで重要な染料の成分として用いられていました。インドールという名前は、植物由来の染料物質である「インディゴ」に由来しています。化学的には、亜硝酸イオンの検出や、有機合成原料 (染料、アルカロイドなど) などの用途で用いられます。
インドール (Indole) とは、分子式 C8H7Nで表される含窒素複素環式有機化合物です。
ベンゼン環とピロール環が縮合した構造をとります。CAS登録番号は、120-72-9です。分子量 117.15、融点52-54℃、沸点253-254℃であり、常温では白色からわずかにうすい褐色の結晶、もしくは結晶性粉末です。強い刺激臭を呈します。密度は1.22g/cm3、酸解離定数pKaは16.2、塩基解離定数 pKbは17.6となっています。
Biological. In 9% anaerobic municipal sludge, indole degraded to 1,3-dihydro-2H-indol-2-one
(oxindole), which degraded to methane and carbon dioxide (Berry et al., 1987). Heukelekian and
Rand (1955) reported a 5-d BOD value of 1.70 g/g which is 65.4% of the ThOD value of 2.48 g/g.
Chemical/Physical. The aqueous chlorination of indole by hypochlorite/hypochlorous acid,
chlorine dioxide, and chloramines produced oxindole, isatin, and possibly 3-chloroindole (Lin and
Carlson, 1984).
The indole is metabolized in a mineral salt medium
inoculated with 9% anaerobically digested nitrate-
reducing sewage sludge, resulting in the sequential
occurrence of four structurally related compounds:
oxindole, isatine, dioxindole, and anthranilic acid.
Indole is metabolized by fungus via indoxyl (3-hydroxyindole), N-formylanthranilic acid, anthranilic
acid, 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid, and catecol, which is
further degraded by an ortho cleavage.
Indole is oxidized to 3-hydroxyindole (indoxyl) which is conjugated with glucuronic and sulphuric acids before excretion. The sulphate conjugate seems to be the main product in rabbits and, even with relatively large doses of indole, the sulphate conjugation always exceeds that of glucuronic acid(Williams, 1959).
It can be further purified by sublimation in a vacuum or by zone melting. The picrate forms orange crystals from EtOH and has m 175o. [Beilstein 20 II 196, 20 III/IV 3176, 20/7 V 5.]