A hepatotoxic alkaloid found in Heliotropiurn lasiocarpurn, the base forms
colourless leaflets from petroleum ether and has [α]
20D - 4° (EtOH). It is readily
soluble in C6H6 or EtOH but only slightly so in H20. On alkaline hydrolysis it
furnishes angelic acid and heliotridine, C8H1302N, m.p. 116.5-118°C, forming
a hydrochloride, m.p. 122-4°C and the benzoyl derivative hydrochloride, m.p.
180°C. On catalytic hydrogenation it yields a base, C13H230 2N, b.p. 123-5°Cj
8 mm; [α]
D + 3.8° (EtOH), yielding a crystalline picrate, m.p. 157 _9°C, and
lasiocarpic acid, C8H160 S, m.p. 95-7°C; [α]
D + 10.6° (EtOH). The structure is
therefore angelyllasiocarpylheliotridine, both hydroxyls in heliotridine being
es terifie d
Men'shikov., Ber., 65,974 (1932)