Chemical Properties
yellowish to greenish yellow powder(s); decomposes slowly at ordinary temp, rapidly at elevated temp [MER06]
Gold(I) iodide is employed in the synthesis of chemicals.
General Description
AuI can be prepared by adding KI in an acidic solution of HAuCl
reaction suitability
reagent type: catalyst
core: gold
Purification Methods
It has been prepared by heating gold and iodine in a tube at 120o for 4 months. Since it decomposes to Au and I2 in the presence of UV light and heat, then the main impurity is Au. The salt is therefore purified by heating at 120o with I2 for several weeks. The crystals should be kept dry and in a cool place in the dark. [Weiss & Weiss Z Naturforsch 11B 604 1956.]