Solvent Naphtha is an aromatic hydrocarbon solvent made mainly from aromatic compounds. It can be divided into light and heavy types, are aromatic hydrocarbon solvents primarily made from C9, C10 and C10-C13 aromatic compounds. Heavy solvent naphtha is harmful to health, and possibly carcinogenic, and are to be labelled H351 “Suspected of causing cancer”.
Chemical Properties
Solvent naphtha, light aromatic (CAS No. 64742-95-6) is a mixture of light aromatic hydrocarbons from refined petroleum distillates, with an aromatic content of 98% or greater. It is composed primarily of C9-10 dialkyl and trialkylbenzenes. It contains approximately 46% trimethylbenzenes, 36% ethylmethylbenzenes, 0 to 5% xylene, 0 to 5% cumene, and 1.5% ethylbenzene; the exact composition and concentrations vary. Solvent Naphtha 150 is a colourless non-viscous liquid with a strong aromatic odour. It is not soluble in water, but in aromatic solvents.
solvent naphtha is a flammable liquid distillate containing principally xylenes and higher aromatic hydrocarbons and usually boiling higher than ligroin, obtained especially from coal-tar light oils or coke-over-gas light oils or from petroleum cracking, and used chiefly as a solvent and as a raw material for coumarone-indene resins.
Solvent naphtha is used in the agricultural, chemical, textile processing and coatings industries.
Flammability and Explosibility
Toxics Screening Level
The initial threshold screening level (ITSL) for heavy aromatic solvent naphtha is 70 μg/m3 based on an annual averaging time.