Chemical Properties
off-white to beige powder
Reactant or reagent involved in:
- Retro-Buchner reactions for synthesis of arylcyclopropanes
- Desymmetrization for access to homocalystegine analogs or aminocycloheptitols
- α-Cyanation of imines
- Stereoselective α-alkylation of aldehydes with stable carbocations
- Oxidative C-H activation of aliphatic aldehydes
- Electrochemical Redox transformations
Reactant or reagent involved in:• ;Retro-Buchner reactions for synthesis of arylcyclopropanes1• ;Desymmetrization for access to homocalystegine analogs2 or aminocycloheptitols3• ;α-Cyanation of imines4• ;Stereoselective α-alkylation of aldehydes with stable carbocations5• ;Oxidative C-H activation of aliphatic aldehydes6• ;Electrochemical Redox transformations7
Tropylium Tetrafluoroborate (CAS# 27081-10-3) can be used as an electrolytic solution for electrochemical devices, as well as for protective coatings for selenium electrophotographic plates.