Benzyl 4-Toluenesulfonate is typically prepared from tosyl chloride and benzyl alcohol.
Benzyl 4-Toluenesulfonate may be stored as a crude or purified solid at 0 °C for up to 3 months; potential vessicant. Use in a fume hood.
Purification Methods
Crystallise the ester from pet ether (b 40-60o), CHCl3/hexane or Et2O/*C6H6. Dry it in vacuo but NOT in a desiccator over CaCl2 as it causes hydrolysis of the ester. [Emmons & Ferris J Am Chem Soc 75 2257 1953, Beilstein 11 II 48, 11 III 207, 11 IV 273.]
1. Tipson, R. S. JOC 1944, 9, 235. (b) Tipson, R. S. JOC 1947, 12, 133.