2 (d18:1) is intended for use as an analytical standard for the quantification of sphingosine (d18:1) by GC- or LC-MS. Sphingosine (d18:1) is formed primarily from the breakdown of ceramide.
1 Sphingosine (d18:1) inhibits protein kinase C and phosphatidic acid phosphohydrolase, whereas it activates phospholipase D and diacylglycerol (DAG) kinase.
1 Phosphorylation of sphingosine (d18:1) by sphingosine kinases 1 and 2 (SPHK1, SPHK2) produces sphingosine-1-phosphate, a potent bioactive lipid that exhibits a broad spectrum of biological activities including cell proliferation, survival, migration, cytoskeletal organization, and morphogenesis.
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