Chemical Properties
Ambergris (ambra) is a secretion of the sperm whale Physeter catodon (P. macrocephalus L.), which possibly results from a pathological condition. Ambergris has a lower density than water and washes ashore along the ocean coasts.Themajor quantity is used to be obtained fromkilled animals, but only a low percentage contain ambergris in their intestines.
Fresh ambergris is almost black, but it turns light gray and develops a pleasant odorwhen exposed to light and seawater over a period of time.The major components of ambergris are epicoprosterol and the odorless triterpene alcohol, ambrein.
Chemical Properties
Ambrein is the likely precursor of a number of strongly odoriferous mono-, bi-, and tricyclic compounds that are formed by autoxidation or photooxidation.