Trimethyl-β-cyclodextrin (CAS# 55216-11-0) is β-cyclodextrin (C987830) derivative used to solubilize steroids in aqueous solution to increase their bioavailability.
O-methyl)-β-cyclodextrin may be used:
- To investigate the crystal structure of its complexes with m-iodophenol, 4-biphenylacetic acid and (R)- and (S)-flurbiprofen by X-ray analysis.
- To study the candidature of its complex with vitamin A for potential application as a drug delivery system for ophthalmic applications by high sensitivity fluorescence spectrometry and high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC).
- In the determination of analyte composition in commercial samples by HPLC coupled to mass spectrometry (MS).
General Description
O-methyl)-β-cyclodextrin is a β-cyclodextrin derivative that finds potential use in pharmaceutical, food and cosmetic applications. Its attractive features include: the non-polar cavity desirable for its use as a molecular host for a wide range of molecules and its affinity for organic compounds in solution as well as crystalline phases.