Physical properties
Habit: amorphous botryoidal mass.
Color: black.
Luster: submetallic. Contains up to
20 wt.% PbO from decaying.
Source of uranium and radium.
A natural phosphide of uranium usually partly oxidized to UO3 with variable amounts of lead, radium, thorium, rare-earth metals, helium, argon, nitrogen. Pitchblende is an important variety. It occurs in Colorado, Utah, South Africa, Canada, Europe, the former U.S.S.R., Australia, Zaire.
black mineral consisting mostly of uranium(
VI) oxide, UO
3. It is the chief ore of
uranium and radium.
uraninite: A mineral form of uranium(IV) oxide, containing minuteamounts of radium, thorium, polonium,lead, and helium. When uraniniteoccurs in a massive form with apitchy lustre it is known as pitchblende,the chief ore of uranium.Uraninite occurs in Saxony (Germany),Romania, Norway, the UK(Cornwall), E Africa (Democratic Republicof Congo), USA, and Canada(Great Bear Lake).