Haplophyllum robustum Bge. yields this alkaloid which forms colourless crystals from EtOH. It forms a series of crystalline salts and derivatives including the hydrochloride, m.p. 199-200°C; picrate, m.p. I 79-180°C; acetyl derivative, m.p.174-5°C; methyl derivative, m.p. 140-2°C and the tetrahydrG compound with
Fakhritdinova, Sidyakin, Yunusov,Khim. Prir.Soedin., 1, 107 (1965)
Faizutdinova, Yunusov, ibid, 3, 260 (1967)
Narasimhan, Paradkar, Alurkar, Tetrahedron, 27,1351 (1971)