Chemical Properties
Hexagonal, brown, bronze, or black
crystals. Insoluble in
water; slightly soluble in aqua regia, nitric acid,
hydrogen fluoride.
Physical properties
Bronze or black crystals.
Transition temperature 1.8 K.
Insoluble in water, slowly
attacked by aqua regia, HF,
and HNO
Tantalum nitride is used to create barrier or "glue" layers between copper, or other conductive metals, and dielectric insulator films such as thermal oxides. These films are deposited on top of silicon wafers during the manufacture of integrated circuits, to create thin film surface mount resistors and has other electronic applications.
Production Methods
Tantalum nitride, TaN, is produced by direct synthesis of the elements at 1,100 °C (2,012 °F). Very pure TaN has been produced by spontaneous reaction of lithium amide, LiNH2, and TaCl5 . The compound is often added to cermets in 3–18 wt %. Ta3N5 is used as a red pigment in plastics and paints.