Catalyst for:
- Transesterification
- Stereoselective carbonyl-ene cyclization reactions
- Sakurai reactions
- Mukaiyama cross-aldol reactions
Reactant for synthesis of heterobimetallic bridging dinitrogen complexes
TITANOCENE BIS(TRIFLUOROMETHANESULFONATE) is prepared by treatment of a 0.06 M THF solution of
Dichlorobis(cyclopentadienyl)titanium with 5.5 equiv of a 0.19 M THF solution of Silver(I)
Trifluoromethanesulfonate. After stirring for 15 min the reaction mixture is filtered, the red filtrate is
layered with hexane, and the resulting red crystals are collected. Recrystallization from CH2Cl2/pentane or
THF/hexane affords Cp2Ti(OSO2CF3)2 (25-30%) as red needles.
TITANOCENE BIS(TRIFLUOROMETHANESULFONATE) is used as a catalyst for Diels-Alder reaction, Mukaiyama crossed-aldol reaction, and Sakurai reaction.
TITANOCENE BIS(TRIFLUOROMETHANESULFONATE) [Cp2Ti(OSO2CF3)2] and Cp2Zr(OSO2CF3)2 can be handled for short
periods of time in air, but are best handled and stored in a glove box. Both can be prepared in situ. The
pentamethylcyclopentadienyl analog Cp*2Ti(OH2)2
2+ is air and water stable. Titanium(IV) is reputed to be of low toxicity.