Very tenacious, balsamic-Vanilla-like odor
of peculiar "green" sweetness, giving an overall impression of Cocoa or Chocolate rather
than of Vanilla.
Physical properties
Viscous yellowish liquid. Insoluble in water,
soluble in alcohol and oils, almost insoluble
in Ropylcnc glycol.
Suggested for use in perfume compositions,
mainly as a fixative/modifier in heavy florals.
Oriental fragrance types, etc.
Hexyliso-eugenol blends well with Peru balsam and its
derivatives, Tolubalsam and the Cinnamates,
Benzoin, Mcthyliononcs, Amylsalicylate and
a great variety of sweet-floral or heavy odorants.
It is rather uncommonly offered to the
trade, and it is unlikely that it will become
very popular unless it can be brought on the
market at a pompetitivc cost and in steady