Chemical Properties
Cognac is a by-product from the distillation of cognac (brandy). It is present in cognac to the extent of approximately
2%. The aromatic substances present in cognac oil are derived partly from the activities of the particular yeast used and partly from
the fermented grapes. It has an intensely strong, almost harsh fruity, oily-fatty, yet green herbaceous odor of outstanding tenacity and
great diffuse power. Also see Cognac Green and Cognac White oil.
Chemical Properties
Cognac green oil is formed during the fermentation of yeast and other sediments in wine lees or from the residual cakes
of wine expression in 0.07 to 0.12% and 0.036 and 0.066% yields, respectively. It is the primary constituent responsible for the distinct
cognac aroma in wines (i.e., a fruity note).
Cognac white oil is obtained by rectifying raw cognac oil. Cognac white oil exhibits an intense, green, herbaceous odor
with a fruity undertone.
Chemical Properties
Lie de vin oil (green cognac oil or wine lees oil) is obtained by steam distillation
of the yeast and other sediments (lees) formed in wine. It is a green to bluish-green
liquid with a characteristic cognac aroma.
2525 0.864–0.870; n
20D 1.4275-1.4295; α
D ?1° to +2°; acid number: 32–70; ester
number: 200–245; solubility: 1 vol in at least 2 vol of 80% ethanol.
Liede vinoil consistsmainlyof the ethyl andisoamyl esters of fatty acids, formed
during fermentation. It is used mostly in flavor compositions; only very small amounts are employed in perfume compositions.
Physical properties
Cognac oil is a pale-yellow or greenish, somewhat oily liquid.
Physical properties
Cognac green oil is a green to bluish-green liquid. It is soluble in most fixed oils and in mineral
oil. It is very slightly soluble in propylene glycol and is insoluble in glycerin.
Cognac white oil may appear slightly yellow
Found in the yeast and other sediment in wine lees.
By steam distillation of the yeast and other sediment in wine lees.
Extractives and their physically modified derivatives. Wine lees oil.
Essential oil composition
Contains aldehydes (acetaldehyde, cuminaldehyde, formaldehyde), acetone, various esters, acids
and alcohols.
General Description
Cognac oil is mainly found in wine lees, produced due to the fermentation of yeast and other sediments. It is responsible for the cognac aroma of the wine.