Extracted from leaves and roots of Securinega suffruticosa Rehder. The most widely studied of these alkaloids, Securinine, is a specific GABA receptor antagonist and has been found to have significant in vivo CNS activity.
A constituent of the leaves of Securinega suffructicosa Rehd., the base also occurs in Phyllanthus disco ides. It is obtained as yellow crystals and is strongly laevorotatory having [α]20D - 1106°(CHC13), [α]30D - 1106°(CHC13) and[α]20D - 1042° (c 1.0, EtOH). The alkaloid yields a crystalline methiodide, m.p. 235-6°C.
Murav'eva, Ban'kovskii., Dokl. Akad. Nauk, SSSR, 110,998 (1956)
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Nakano et aI., Chem. & Ind., 1763 (1963)
Horii et al., ibid, 664 (1964)
Bevan et aI., ibid, 838 (1964)
Absolute configuration:
Bevan et al., Chern. Ind., 838 (1964)
Imadoetal., ibid, 1691 (1964)
Horii et al., Tetrahedron, 23, 2265 (1967)