Basic information Safety Related Supplier
S-Carboxyethylisothiuronium chloride Structure

S-Carboxyethylisothiuronium chloride

Chemical Properties

storage temp.  -20°C
form  solution

Safety Information

Toxicity A high-energy intermediate essential for normal metabolic processes that require energy (e.g., muscle contraction, active transport). In toxicology, ATP is important as a precursor of the conjugating group in such phase II reactions as sulfate formation and methylation. Toxicants that block ATP formation either by uncoupling mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (e.g., dinitrophenol) or by inhibiting mitochondrial electron transport (e.g., cyanide) are important in toxicology.

Usage And Synthesis

S-Carboxyethylisothiuronium chloride Supplier

S-Carboxyethylisothiuronium chloride manufacturers