Wutong Aroma Chemicals Co., Ltd

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Wutong Aroma Chemicals Co., Ltd


      Wutong Aroma Chemicals Co., Ltd which was founded on June 1,1988 is the Deputy Director Unit to the Board of Directors of China Association of Fragrance Flavor and Cosmetic Industry, and the standing member of Board of Director of the Industrial Association of China Food Additive Production and Application. Possessing the strongest capability of innovation and R & D team, the company has grown into biggest heterocyclic and sulfur aromatic chemical manufacturer in China with new Hi-tech qualification and full range of products. Proudly among the first companies which were qualified as the new Hi-Tech enterprises in 2008, Wutong Aroma has successfully passed the ISO14001:2004、ISO22000:2005, ISO9001:2008 certifications. The company has set up a R&D platform which comprises the Research Institute of Shanghai, the United Research Institute in Jinan City and the Technical Centre at the headquarter. Currently the Technical Centre has obtained the approval granted by the Provincial Technical Centre for Enterprises. The company’s Engineering Centre has also obtained approval granted by the official Engineering Technology Centre of Zhaozhuang City. Wutong Aroma mainly produces the olfactory and functional ingredients, including: the 6 major heterocyclics and its derives such as Pyrazines, Thiazoles, Pyridines,Furans,Thiephenes,pyrroles which can be classified as pharmaceutical intermediates, flavoring materials and fine chemical, total number of our products are more than 200.


公司成立时间 1996/4/26 0:00:00

注册资本 4500 万人民币

员工人数 100-500人

年营业额 ¥ 1亿以上

经营模式 贸易,工厂,定制

主营行业 香精与香料,香料,香精,医药中间体,农药中间体

主营产品 硫噻唑,4-甲基-5-乙烯基噻唑,2,3,5-三甲基吡嗪,2,3,5,6,-四甲基吡嗪,乙偶姻

经营范围 食品添加剂、香精、香料、精细化工产品(不含危险品)的生产、销售(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动,有效期限以许可证为准)。

公司地址 滕州市姜屯镇驻地


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