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网站主页 高效硫化促进剂,促进剂BF, 噻二唑交联,促进剂NC,促进剂882B ,氯化聚乙烯硫化促进
  • 高效硫化促进剂,促进剂BF, 噻二唑交联,促进剂NC,促进剂882B ,氯化聚乙烯硫化促进

高效硫化促进剂,促进剂BF, 噻二唑交联,促进剂NC,促进剂882B ,氯化聚乙烯硫化促进

Cured CPE rubber vulcanizing accelerantor agent, ACCEL-BF(as NC and Van.. 882B),High molecular-weight fatty amines ,CPE chlorinated polyethylene vulcanizing accelerator BF, accelerant BF,dimercapto thiadiazole crosslinking, accelerant NC, accelerantor882B
山东 更新日期:2024-12-13




高效硫化促进剂,促进剂BF, 噻二唑交联,促进剂NC,促进剂882B ,氯化聚乙烯硫化促进
Cured CPE rubber vulcanizing accelerantor agent, ACCEL-BF(as NC and Van.. 882B),High molecular-weight fatty amines ,CPE chlorinated polyethylene vulcanizing accelerator BF, accelerant BF,dimercapto thiadiazole crosslinking, accelerant NC, accelerantor882B

Heng Nuo Product Name:ACCEL-BF/NC(AS 882B)

Composition: High molecular-weight fatty amines
State: Waxy flakes
Specification Test Method                                                                   

  *Assay                         90%minimum     
*Color,  Gardner           2.0 maximum      
*Iodine Value                3.0 maximum  
*Moisture Content        0.4% maximum       
*Secondary Amine       91.0% minimum 

Typical values not routinely measured or reported on the Certificate of Analysis. 
Flash Point, PM 124°C 

*Certified Property Uses - NR, SBR, CR, IIR, and latex accelerator of intermediate strength. Activator for acidic accelerators. Excellent for reclaims and hard rubber stocks, CR cements containing litharge. Latex vulcanizates age well. Also used as a secondary accelerator in CPE.The information presented herein, while not guaranteed, was prepared by technical personnel and, to the best of our knowledge and belief, is true and accurate as of the date hereof. No warranty, representation or guarantee, express or implied, is made regarding accuracy, performance, stability, reliability or use. This information is not intended to be all ?inclusive, because the manner and conditions of use, handling, storage and other factors may involve other or additional safety or performance considerations. The user is responsible for determining the suitability of any material for a specific purpose and for adopting such safety precautions as may be required. Heng Nuo Chemical Company does not warrant the results to be obtained in using any material, and disclaims all liability with respect to the use, handling or further processing of any such material. No suggestion for use is intended as, and nothing herein shall be construed as, a recommendation to infringe any existing patent or to violate any federal, state or local law or regulation.    

ACCEL-BF(as NC and Vanax 882B),High molecular-weight fatty amines ,CPE chlorinated polyethylene vulcanizing accelerator BF, accelerantor BF,dimercapto thiadiazole crosslinking, accelerantor NC, accelerantor 882B


烟台恒诺新材料有限公司成立于2011年,公司位于国家级经济技术开发区-烟台留学人员创业园区内,是一家从事功能碳材料、纳米石墨黑孔液、耐磨节能材料、高分子防腐保护材料、纳米金属抗磨自修复材料、纳米石墨导电材料、石墨烯复合导电材料的科技型创新企业。 恒诺新材料公司是以国内先进碳材料、纳米石墨、石墨烯、碳纳米管、纳米陶瓷、稀土等功能纳米材料合成技术为依托,引进国外纳米粉体悬浮分散合成技术并经过自主创新最终将纳米碳材料因子和功能高分子有机化合物完美聚合。纳米级悬浮分散技术 高分子聚合技术,产品的耐磨节能性能超过市场上单型节能产品。具有超强抗磨、极致润滑、金属磨损自修复三大作用。 公司核心专利产品: SAMYO?稀

成立日期 (14年)
注册资本 100万元人民币
员工人数 50-100人
年营业额 ¥ 300万-500万
经营模式 工厂
主营行业 纳米材料,金属和陶瓷材料,医药中间体,石油产品添加剂

高效硫化促进剂,促进剂BF, 噻二唑交联,促进剂NC,促进剂882B ,氯化聚乙烯硫化促进相关厂家报价

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