EpiQuik m6A RNA Methylation Quantification Kit (Colorimetric)
Input Type: RNA
Research Area: RNA Methylation
Target Application: Amount Quantitation
Vessel Format: 96-Well Plate
100% Guarantee: 6 months
Catalog No. Size
P-9005-48 48 reactions
P-9005-96 96 reactions
Product Overview
The EpiQuik™ m6A RNA Methylation Quantification Kit (Colorimetric) is a complete set of optimized buffers and reagents to
colorimetrically quantify N6-methyladenosine (m6A or 6mA) in RNA. It is suitable for a direct detection of m6A RNA methylation
status using total RNA isolated from any species such as mammals, plants, fungi, bacteria, and viruses. The kit has the following
advantages and features:

EpiQuik CUT&RUN m6A RNA Enrichment (MeRIP) Kit
Input Type: RNA
Research Area: Next Gen Sequencing, RNA Methylation
Target Application: Library Construction, Sample Modification
Vessel Format: Columns/Tubes
100% Guarantee: 6 months
Catalog No. Size
P-9018-24 24 reactions
Product Overview
The EpiQuik™ CUT&RUN m6A RNA Enrichment (MeRIP) Kit is a complete set of optimized buffers and reagents designed to
enrich an RNA fragment containing m6A from low input RNA and to identify region-specific m6A by PCR or profile
epitranscriptome-wide m6A by next-generation sequencing using Illumina platforms or other methods. The innovative working
principle, optimized protocol, and components of the kit allow for the capture of the m6A fragment with minimal non-specific
background levels. The enriched RNA is specifically suitable to construct both non-barcoded (singleplexed) and barcoded
(multiplexed) libraries quickly, allowing m6A regions to be mapped with less bias and at a high resolution. The kit has the
following features:

EpiQuik Plant ChIP Kit
Input Type: Chromatin
Research Area: Chromatin & Transcription
Target Application: Immunoprecipitation
Vessel Format: 96-Well Plate
100% Guarantee: 6 months
Catalog No. Size
P-2014-24 24 reactions
P-2014-48 48 reactions
Product Overview
The EpiQuik™ Plant ChIP Kit is a convenient package of tools that allows the experimenter to investigate protein-DNA
interaction in vivo efficiently. The entire procedure can be completed within 6 hours and produces far superior results
than any competitor kits. The EpiQuik™ Plant ChIP Kit is suitable for combining the specificity of immunoprecipitation
with qualitative and quantitative PCR, ChIP-Seq, and ChIP-on-chip. This kit has the following advantages:

BisulFlash DNA Modification Kit
Input Type: DNA
Research Area: DNA Methylation
Target Application: Sample Modification
Vessel Format: Columns/Tubes
100% Guarantee: 6 months
Catalog No. Size
P-1026-050 50 reactions
Product Overview
The BisulFlash™ DNA Modification Kit is a complete set of optimized buffers and reagents to perform DNA modification using
an expedited DNA bisulfite conversion technology developed by Epigentek, geared specifically for methylation-specific PCR
(MSP) as well as post-bisulfite based NGS applications. Through a proprietary composition that allows DNA denaturation and
bisulfite conversion to be processed at the same time, the complete procedure is reduced to only 30 minutes. Furthermore,
it prevents more than 90% of DNA loss, completely converting unmethylated cytosine into uracil.

ChromaFlash Chromatin Extraction Kit
Input Type: Unisolated Samples
Research Area: Chromatin & Transcription
Target Application: Sample Isolation
Vessel Format: Columns/Tubes
100% Guarantee: 6 months
Catalog No. Size
P-2001-100 100 extractions
Product Overview
The ChromaFlash™ Chromatin Extraction Kit is a complete set of optimized buffers and reagents for isolating chromatin or
DNA-protein complex from mammalian cells or tissues in a simple and rapid format. Chromatin prepared by this kit can be
used in a variety of chromatin immunoprecipitation methods. It is also the recommended method for obtaining chromatin
required by Epigentek’s one-hour ChIP method using the ChromaFlash™ One-Step ChIP Kit. The isolated chromatin can
also be used in other chromatin-related applications such as in vitro protein-DNA binding assays and nuclear enzyme assays.

Methylamp MS-qPCR Fast Kit
Input Type: DNA
Research Area: DNA Methylation
Target Application: PCR Amplification
Vessel Format: 96-Well Plate, Columns/Tubes
100% Guarantee: 6 months
Catalog No. Size
P-1028-100 100 reactions
P-1028-200 200 reactions
Product Overview
The Methylamp™ MS-qPCR Fast Kit is a complete set of essential components, which enables the experimenter to perform fast,
specific, sensitive and reproducible methylation-specific quantitative PCR. The Methylamp™ MS-qPCR Fast Kit is very suitable for
quantitative methylation-specific PCR in a fast format using very minute amounts of DNA. The novel hot start DNA polymerase
contained in this kit can specifically reduce the overall time required for MS-qPCR from approximately 2.5 hours to less than
70 minutes. The kit also facilitates sensitivity and specificity of MS-qPCR by significantly increasing primer-bisulfite DNA
template annealing, while simultaneously reducing non-specific annealing. This results in considerable time savings and a more
efficient MS- qPCR. The kit has the following advantages: