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  • Ensolv precision electronic metal cleaning agent
  • Ensolv precision electronic metal cleaning agent
  • Ensolv precision electronic metal cleaning agent


Ensolv precision electronic metal cleaning agent

Ensolv precision electronic metal cleaning agent
询价 1kg 起订
25kg 起订
250kg 起订
上海 更新日期:2024-05-14


手机:+86-18121212206 拨打


Ensolv precision electronic metal cleaning agent

The preferred ‘drop in’ substitute for Trichloroethylene and other chlorinated solvents

EnSolv® is a trusted family of environmentally friendly precision vapour degreasing and cleaning solvents for the aerospace, precision engineering, medical, optical and electronic industries. Our custom blends serve applications where standard formulations require modifications. Our degreasing solvents are specifically formulated to address the difficult cleaning problems experienced in high tech industries where exceptional levels of cleanliness are needed.

Replace Trichloroethylene

EnSolv® has become the popular nPB based “drop in” substitute for Trichloroethylene (Trike) and other chlorinated solvents used for vapour degreasing.

EnSolv® solvents have a unique combination of benefits:

Very stable even with titanium, light metals and alloys

Drop in replacement for carcinogenic trichloroethylene and other chlorinated solvents 

Ensolv is not classified as a carcinogen 

Very high solvency power, excellent fast cleaning 

Mid range temperature operation, reduced energy use, faster cleaning cycle, easier handling 

Ensolv can be used in any vapour degreasing equipment with improved productivity and lower maintenance

Safe for the environment, low Global warming and ozone depletion potentials 

US EPA Snap approval

Boeing approved replacement for trichloroethylene approved by major OEMs worldwide 

Technical support and training available

Ensolv;Ensolv Ionic;Ensolv 5408;spec 100;


上海锐一公司是一家专业从事ODS(臭氧破坏物质)替代, 致力於氟利昂系列产品的替代技术服务及销售服务的公司。主要业务是环保产品的推广与技术支持,包括氟利昂替代品制冷剂、环保清洗剂、塑料添加剂等。代理了多家全球著名公司相关产品。在精密清洗替代技术上,有自主研发能力,为客户提供综合氟利昂替代方案,以及化学品综合供应方案。 为实现技术服务的本地化,公司是由业内的资深专家团队组建,在业内属于领先的以技术支持为主的专业公司。公司历经十几年的发展,经历了CFC制冷剂替代以及清洗剂替代的整个过程。不断推出新的产品、技术,并锤炼出了一支专业技术服务团队。 公司秉承“专业、诚信、值得信赖”的经营理念,致力于环保科技事业,提供世界一流的产品及服务。我们多年的经验积累,我们的专业 和不断地创新,我们的诚信和优质服务,得到了各行业客户的一致肯定和好评,为企业赢得了卓越的商誉。 企业价值观 安全第一: 不折不扣的执行 诚信正直: 诚实、公平、尊重和安全一样至关重要 客户满意: 我们的未来取决于我们帮助客户取得成功。我们积极主动并富于合作精神,提供专业和切实可行的解决方案帮助客户成功 员工参与: 我们培养一种鼓励卓越绩效、团队协作、参与、领导和成长的文化氛围 创新: 我们相信永远有更好的办法。我们鼓励变革并寻求它所带来的机遇 可持续性: 我们通过产品、技术、服务、经营,参与倡导

成立日期 (25年)
注册资本 5000
员工人数 10-50人
年营业额 ¥ 1000万-5000万
经营模式 贸易,工厂,定制,服务
主营行业 农药中间体,通用试剂,溶剂,技术服务

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