1)Cardiac-specific CGI-58 deficiency activates the ER stress pathway to promote heart failure in mice:Palmitic acid (PA) and its solvent (vehicle) were purchased from Kunchuang Biotechnology (Xi’an, Shanxi, China), in which PA was coupled to FA-free bovine serum albumin (BSA) in a ratio of 2mM PA:3% BSA
2)High-fat diet impairs ferroptosis and promotes cancer invasiveness via down regulating tumor suppressor ACSL4 in lung adenocarcinoma:Acid palmitate was obtained from Xian Kunchuang Science and Technology Develop Co. Ltd (Xian, China)
3)Lipid-induced DRAM recruits STOM to lysosomes and induces LMP to promote exosome release from hepatocytes in NAFLD Oil red O staining and intracellular triglyceride measurement For FA treatment, 0.3 mM PA or bovine serum albumin solution (Kunchuang Biotechnology, Xian, China) was incubated with the cultured HepG2 cells.
4)Monocyte-derived extracellular vesicles upon treated by palmitate promote endothelial migration and monocytes attachment to endothelial cells Saturated FFA palmitate (16: 0) and its solvent(Cat. No. SYSJ001) were purchased from Kunchuang biotechnology.
5)Optimization of Porphyran Extraction from Pyropia yezoensis by Response Surface Methodology and Its Lipid-Lowering Effects Palmitic acid (PA) was provided by Kunchuang Biotechnology (Xi’an, China). All other chemical reagents used were of analytical grade.
6)The combined impact of decabromodiphenyl ether and high fat exposure on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in vivo and in vitro Sodium palmitate and sodium oleate were purchased from Kunchuang Technology Development Co., Ltd. (Xian, China).
7)The impact of sitagliptin on macrophage polarity and angiogenesis in the osteointegration of titanium implants in type 2 diabetes Endothelial cell medium containing 25 mmol/L glucose and 500 mmol/L bovine serum albumin-conjugated palmitate (Kunchuang Biotechnology, Xi’an, China, Cat#: SYSJ001) was used as the mimic milieu of type 2 diabetes (high glucose and fat) which accounts for over 90 % cases in diabetic patients .
8)Wanhao Gao 1, Xingchen Guo 1,et al. Monocyte-derived extracellular vesicles upon treated by palmitate promote endothelial migration and monocytes attachment to endothelial cells.Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications .2020 May:685-691.
9)Ji L, Liu F, Jing Z, et al. MICU1 Alleviates Diabetic Cardiomyopathy Through Mitochondrial Ca2+-Dependent Antioxidant Response. Diabetes. 2017 Jun;66(6):1586-1600
10)Yan W, Zhang H, Liu P, et al. Impaired mitochondrial biogenesis due to dysfunctional adiponectin-AMPK-PGC-1α signaling contributing to increased vulnerability in diabetic heart. Basic Res Cardiol. 2013 May;108(3):329.