WebSite > Chinese Peptide Company

Chinese Peptide Company

  • Company Name Chinese Peptide Company
  • Tel 0571-86737118
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  • CB Index 58
  •       Chinese Peptide Company is a comprehensive peptide-focused CRDMO, offering full-cycle services ranging from early-stage discovery, preclinical research and clinical development to commercial-stage production.
Chinese Peptide Company Product List
  • Product Name Semaglutide
  • MF C42H69N9O14S
  • CAS 99291-20-0
  • Product Name Teduglutide
  • MF C164H252N44O55S
  • CAS 197922-42-2
  • Product Name Linaclotide
  • MF C59H79N15O21S6
  • CAS 851199-59-2