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Alfa Chemistry
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- Alfa Chemistry, a global Contract Research Organization (CRO) specializing in organic chemistry, material chemistry, and medicinal chemistry, is ISO 9001:2015 certified. Alfa Chemistry provides building blocks, research chemicals, reagents, catalysts, and reference materials. We offer more than 80,000 products, custom synthesis, and analytical services. Our products can be searched through the search bar on our website. Upon receiving customers' purchase orders, the in-stock products are ready to be shipped within 3-5 business days. We also provide custom synthesis services for products not listed in our catalog. Our trained chemists are dedicated to working on custom projects designed specifically for the needs of each client. The custom synthesis products and corresponding analytical data will be prepared within a reasonable time frame. Our aim is always to provide efficient service and cost-efficient products. Alfa Chemistry's customers are pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, including Pfizer, Novartis, Merck & Co., Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca, and Bayer. Alfa Chemistry is also a preferred partner for many universities and non-profit institutes.
Alfa Chemistry Product List
- Product Name Samarium Cobalt SmCo5 Sputtering Target
- MF CoSm
- CAS 12017-68-4
- Product Name Molybdenum Germanium Sputtering Target
- MF
- CAS 12025-18-2
- Product Name Bismuth Lanthanum Titanium Oxide Sputtering Target
- MF BiH2LaOTi
- CAS 185619-35-6
- Product Name Yttria Stabilized Zirconia Sputtering Target (8 Mol. %)
- CAS 114168-16-0
- Product Name Yttrium Manganate Sputtering Target
- CAS 12032-75-6
- Product Name Yttrium Phosphide Sputtering Target
- CAS 12294-01-8
- Product Name Ytterbium Nitride Sputtering Target
- MF NYb
- CAS 24600-77-9
- Product Name Ytterbium Selenide Sputtering Target
- MF SeYb
- CAS 12039-54-2
- Product Name Ytterbium Telluride Sputtering Target
- MF Te3Yb2
- CAS 12125-58-5
- Product Name Dysprosium Sulfate
- MF Dy2H16O20S3
- CAS 14373-91-2
- Product Name Erbium Sulfate
- MF Er2H16O20S3
- CAS 10031-52-4
- Product Name Scandium Phosphide Sputtering Target
- MF PSc
- CAS 12202-43-6
- Product Name Europium Sulfate
- MF Eu2H16O20S3
- CAS 10031-55-7
- Product Name Gadolinium Sulfate
- MF GdH4O5S
- CAS 13450-87-8
- Product Name Lanthanum Sulfate
- MF H4LaO5S
- CAS 57804-25-8
- Product Name Lutetium Sulfate
- MF H4LuO5S
- CAS 13473-77-3
- Product Name Neodymium Telluride Sputtering Target
- MF H2NdTe
- CAS 12035-35-7
- Product Name Praseodymium(III) Oxide Sputtering Target
- MF O3Pr2
- CAS 12036-32-7
- Product Name Dysprosium Hydroxide
- MF DyH3O3
- CAS 1308-85-6
- Product Name Terbium Vanadium Oxide
- MF O4TbV
- CAS 13566-09-1
- Product Name Holmium Hydroxide
- MF H3HoO3
- CAS 12054-57-8
- Product Name Scandium Hydroxide
- MF H3O3Sc
- CAS 17674-34-9
- Product Name Lanthanum(III) nitride
- MF LaN
- CAS 25764-10-7
- Product Name Thulium Nitride
- MF NTm
- CAS 12033-68-0
- Product Name Neodymium 2-Ethylhexanoate
- MF C8H16NdO2
- CAS 73227-23-3
- Product Name Erbium Oxalate
- MF C6H20Er2O22
- CAS 30618-31-6
- Product Name Neodymium Oxalate
- MF C6Nd2O12
- CAS 1186-50-1
- Product Name Terbium Oxalate Hydrate
- MF C6H2O13Tb2
- CAS 58176-68-4
- Product Name Ytterbium Oxalate
- MF C6O12Yb2
- CAS 58176-74-2
- Product Name Neodymium Arsenide
- MF AsNd
- CAS 12255-09-3
- Product Name Neodymium Sulfate Solution
- MF Nd2O12S3
- CAS 10101-95-8
- Product Name Praseodymium(III) Sulfate Hydrate
- MF H2O13Pr2S3
- CAS 20814-03-3
- Product Name Praseodymium Sulfate
- MF H16O20Pr2S3
- CAS 13510-41-3
- Product Name Scandium Sulfate
- MF H4O5SSc
- CAS 52788-54-2
- Product Name Scandium Sulfate Solution
- MF H12O18S3Sc2
- CAS 13465-61-7
- Product Name Yttrium Sulfate
- CAS 7446-33-5
- Product Name Ytterbium Sulfate
- MF H4O5SYb
- CAS 10034-98-7
- Product Name Holmium Sulfide
- MF H2HoS
- CAS 12162-59-3
- Product Name Praseodymium(II) Sulfide
- MF Pr2S3
- CAS 12038-06-1
- Product Name Europium Tungstate
- MF Eu2O12W3
- CAS 15126-31-5
- Product Name Lanthanum Tungstate
- MF La2O12W3
- CAS 13939-41-8
- Product Name Cerium Vanadium Oxide
- MF CeO4V
- CAS 13597-19-8
- Product Name Ytterbium Silicide
- MF Si2Yb
- CAS 12039-89-3
- Product Name Gadolinium Nitrate
- MF Gd(NO3)3·XH2O
- CAS 94219-55-3
- Product Name Samarium Nitrate
- CAS 10361-83-8
- Product Name Praseodymium Acetate
- MF C6H9O6Pr
- CAS 1567-96-4
- Product Name Yttrium Acetate
- MF C2H4O2Y
- CAS 23363-14-6
- Product Name Terbium Bromide
- MF Br3Tb
- CAS 15162-98-8
- Product Name Cerium Carbide
- MF C2H2Ce
- CAS 12012-32-7
- Product Name Yttrium Carbide
- MF C2Y
- CAS 12071-35-1
- Product Name Lutetium Carbonate
- MF C3Lu2O9
- CAS 5895-53-4
- Product Name Samarium Carbonate
- MF C3O9Sm2
- CAS 38245-37-3
- Product Name Gadolinium Aluminide
- MF Al2Gd
- CAS 12004-26-1
- Product Name Holmium(III) Acetylacetonate Hydrate
- MF C15H23HoO7
- CAS 22498-66-4
- Product Name Strontium Lanthanum Sulfide
- MF La2S4Sr
- CAS 12532-80-8
- Product Name Terbium Aluminide
- MF Al2Tb
- CAS 12043-28-6
- Product Name Yttrium Aluminide
- MF Al2Y
- CAS 12043-30-0
- Product Name Ytterbium Trifluoroacetate
- MF C6F9O6Yb
- CAS 87863-62-5
- Product Name Erbium Fluoride Oxide
- CAS 13825-13-3
- Product Name Ytterbium Fluoride Oxide
- CAS 15587-02-7
- Product Name Thulium Trihydride
- MF H3Tm
- CAS 13598-55-5
- Product Name Ytterbium Hydride
- MF H3Yb
- CAS 32997-62-9
- Product Name Erbium Sulfide
- MF ErH2S
- CAS 12159-66-9
- Product Name Thulium Arsenide
- MF AsTm
- CAS 12006-10-9
- Product Name Thulium Sulfide
- MF H2STm
- CAS 12166-30-2
- Product Name Terbium Arsenide
- MF AsTb
- CAS 12006-08-5
- Product Name Terbium Selenide
- MF SeTb
- CAS 12039-51-9
- Product Name Erbium Arsenide
- MF AsEr
- CAS 12254-88-5
- Product Name Lanthanum Arsenide
- MF AsLa
- CAS 12255-04-8
- Product Name Lanthanum Silicide
- MF LaSi2
- CAS 12056-90-5
- Product Name Scandium Sulfide
- MF H2SSc
- CAS 12166-29-9
- Product Name Samarium Sulfide
- MF S3Sm2
- CAS 12067-22-0
- Product Name Neodymium Sulfide
- MF H2NdS
- CAS 12035-32-4
- Product Name Dysprosium Sulfide
- MF DyS
- CAS 12133-06-1
- Product Name Holmium Arsenide
- MF AsHo
- CAS 12005-92-4
- Product Name Ytterbium Arsenide
- MF AsYb
- CAS 12006-12-1
- Product Name Yttrium Arsenide
- MF AsY
- CAS 12255-48-0
- Product Name Cerium Nitride
- MF CeN
- CAS 25764-08-3
- Product Name Thulium Selenide Sputtering Target
- MF SeTm
- CAS 12039-53-1
- Product Name Thulium Phosphide Sputtering Target
- MF PTm
- CAS 12037-68-2
- Product Name Samarium Phosphide Sputtering Target
- MF PSm
- CAS 12066-50-1
- Product Name Samarium Nitride Sputtering Target
- MF NSm
- CAS 25764-14-1
- Product Name Scandium Telluride Sputtering Target
- MF H2ScTe
- CAS 12166-44-8
- Product Name Praseodymium Selenide Sputtering Target
- MF Se
- CAS 12038-08-3
- Product Name Samarium Arsenide
- MF AsSm
- CAS 12255-39-9
- Product Name Terbium Telluride
- MF Tb2Te3
- CAS 93658-88-9
- Product Name Terbium Phosphide
- MF PTb
- CAS 12037-64-8
- Product Name Dysprosium Arsenide
- MF AsDy
- CAS 12005-81-1
- Product Name Gadolinium Arsenide
- MF AsGd
- CAS 12005-89-9
- Product Name Dysprosium Phosphate
- MF DyO4P
- CAS 13863-49-5
- Product Name Lutetium Nitride
- MF LuN
- CAS 12125-25-6
- Product Name Praseodymium Hydroxide
- MF H3O3Pr
- CAS 16469-16-2
- Product Name Lutetium Hydroxide
- MF H3LuO3
- CAS 16469-21-9
- Product Name Praseodymium Phosphide Sputtering Target
- MF PPr
- CAS 12066-49-8
- Product Name Ytterbium Phosphide Sputtering Target
- MF PYb
- CAS 12037-71-7
- Product Name Yttrium Telluride Sputtering Target
- MF H2TeY
- CAS 12166-71-1
- Product Name Terbium(III) Chloride Hydrate
- MF Cl3H2OTb
- CAS 19423-82-6
- Product Name Praseodymium Arsenide
- MF As
- CAS 12044-28-9
- Product Name Gadolinium Titanate
- MF Gd2O9Ti3
- CAS 12024-89-4
- Product Name Cerium Phosphide
- MF CeP
- CAS 25275-75-6