Home > Lead chromate > Lead chromate(1344-37-2)
Lead chromate(1344-37-2)
Supplier Product Identification
Physical and Chemical Properties
First Aid Measures
Handling and Storage
Hazards Identification
Exposure Controls/Personal Protection
Fire Fighting Measures
Accidental Release Measures
Stability and Reactivity
Product Identification
Product Name
Lead chromate
Lead chromate
Chromastral green y
Chrome fast green cp
Chrome orange
Chrome Yellow
Lemon chrome a 3g
Primrose Yellow
Chromastral green y
Chrome fast green cp
Chrome orange
Chrome Yellow
Lemon chrome a 3g
Primrose Yellow
EC Index Number
EC Class
Carcinogenic Category 3; Toxic for reproduction Category 1; Toxic for reproduction Category 3; Danger of cumulative effects; Dangerous for the Environment
Carcinogenic Category 3; Toxic for reproduction Category 1; Toxic for reproduction Category 3; Danger of cumulative effects; Dangerous for the Environment
Physical and Chemical Properties
Clear, yellow liquid. Mixture of lead chromate, lead sulfate, and titatanium in a stoddard type solvent.
Clear, yellow liquid. Mixture of lead chromate, lead sulfate, and titatanium in a stoddard type solvent.
Boiling Point
Vapor Pressure
1.73 g/cm3 (20 C)
1.73 g/cm3 (20 C)
Pigment in paints, printing inks, vinyl, cellulose acetate plastics, textile printing, leather finishes, linoleum, paper, & artist's colors.
Pigment in paints, printing inks, vinyl, cellulose acetate plastics, textile printing, leather finishes, linoleum, paper, & artist's colors.
Vapor Density
First Aid Measures
Do not induce vomiting. This material is an aspiration hazard. If individual is drowsy or unconscious, place on left side with the head down. Seek medical attention. If possible, do not leave individual unattended.
Do not induce vomiting. This material is an aspiration hazard. If individual is drowsy or unconscious, place on left side with the head down. Seek medical attention. If possible, do not leave individual unattended.
If symptoms develop, immediately move individual away from exposure and into fresh air. Seek immediate medical attention; keep person warm and quiet. If person is not breathing, begin artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, administer oxygen.
If symptoms develop, immediately move individual away from exposure and into fresh air. Seek immediate medical attention; keep person warm and quiet. If person is not breathing, begin artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, administer oxygen.
Remove contaminated clothing. Wash exposed area with soap and water. If symptoms persist, seek medical attention. Launder clothing before reuse.
Remove contaminated clothing. Wash exposed area with soap and water. If symptoms persist, seek medical attention. Launder clothing before reuse.
If symptoms develop, immediately move individual away from exposure and into fresh air. Flush eyes gently with water for at least 15 minutes while holding eyelids apart; seek immediate medical attention.
If symptoms develop, immediately move individual away from exposure and into fresh air. Flush eyes gently with water for at least 15 minutes while holding eyelids apart; seek immediate medical attention.
Handling and Storage
Keep tightly closed in a cool place in a tightly closed container.
Keep tightly closed in a cool place in a tightly closed container.
Containers of this material may be hazardous when emptied. Since emptied containers retain product residues (vapor, liquid, and/or solid), all hazard precautions given in the data sheet must be observed.
Containers of this material may be hazardous when emptied. Since emptied containers retain product residues (vapor, liquid, and/or solid), all hazard precautions given in the data sheet must be observed.
Hazards Identification
Breathing of vapor or mist is possible. Breathing small amounts of this material during normal handling is not likely to cause harmful effects. Breathing large amounts may be harmful.
Breathing of vapor or mist is possible. Breathing small amounts of this material during normal handling is not likely to cause harmful effects. Breathing large amounts may be harmful.
May cause mild skin irritation. Prolonged or repeated contact may dry the skin. Symptoms may include redness, buring, drying and cracking of skin, and skin burns.
May cause mild skin irritation. Prolonged or repeated contact may dry the skin. Symptoms may include redness, buring, drying and cracking of skin, and skin burns.
Can cause eye irritation. Symptoms include stinging, tearing, redness, and swelling of eyes.
Can cause eye irritation. Symptoms include stinging, tearing, redness, and swelling of eyes.
Swallowing small amounts of this material during normal handling is not likely to cause harmful effects. Swallowing large amounts may be harmful. This material can enter the lungs during swallowing or vomiting and cause lung inflammation and/or damage.
Swallowing small amounts of this material during normal handling is not likely to cause harmful effects. Swallowing large amounts may be harmful. This material can enter the lungs during swallowing or vomiting and cause lung inflammation and/or damage.
Vapors are heavier than air and may travel along the ground or be moved by ventilation and ignited by heat, pilot lights, other flames and ignition sources at locations distant from material handling point. Never use welding or cutting torch on or near drum (even empty) because product (even just residue) can ignite explosively.
Vapors are heavier than air and may travel along the ground or be moved by ventilation and ignited by heat, pilot lights, other flames and ignition sources at locations distant from material handling point. Never use welding or cutting torch on or near drum (even empty) because product (even just residue) can ignite explosively.
Exposure Controls/Personal Protection
Personal Protection
Chemical splash goggles in compliance with OSHA regulations are advised; however, OSHA regulations also permit other type safety glasses. Whre chemical resistant gloves. To prevent repeated or prolonged skin contact, wear impervious clothing and boots.
Chemical splash goggles in compliance with OSHA regulations are advised; however, OSHA regulations also permit other type safety glasses. Whre chemical resistant gloves. To prevent repeated or prolonged skin contact, wear impervious clothing and boots.
If workplace exposure limit(s) of product or any component is exceeded (See Exposure Guidelines), a NIOSH/MSHA approved air supplied respirator is advised in absence of proper environmental control. OSHA regulations also permit other NIOSH/MSHA respirators (negative pressure type) under specified conditions.
If workplace exposure limit(s) of product or any component is exceeded (See Exposure Guidelines), a NIOSH/MSHA approved air supplied respirator is advised in absence of proper environmental control. OSHA regulations also permit other NIOSH/MSHA respirators (negative pressure type) under specified conditions.
Exposure Effects
Chronic lead exposure may cause elevated blood pressure and gout. In young children, developmental defects, including learning disabilities and behavioral abnormalities, can occur without symptoms at blood lead levels above 10 micrograms/deciliter. At higher levels of exposure headache, fatigue, irritability and malaise may occur. At high levels, encephalopathy, seizures and focal neurologic findings with imminent risk of death, permanent mental retardation, and motor deficits may occur. Lead is transferred across the placenta. It can affect reproduction in males and females, and affects neurodevelopmental milestones in children with both prenatal and postnatal exposure.
Chronic lead exposure may cause elevated blood pressure and gout. In young children, developmental defects, including learning disabilities and behavioral abnormalities, can occur without symptoms at blood lead levels above 10 micrograms/deciliter. At higher levels of exposure headache, fatigue, irritability and malaise may occur. At high levels, encephalopathy, seizures and focal neurologic findings with imminent risk of death, permanent mental retardation, and motor deficits may occur. Lead is transferred across the placenta. It can affect reproduction in males and females, and affects neurodevelopmental milestones in children with both prenatal and postnatal exposure.
Fire Fighting Measures
Flash Point
Fire Fighting
Extinguish fire using regular foam, carbon dioxide, dry chemical. Water or foam may cause frothing which can be violent and possibly endanger the life of the firefighter. Wear a self-contained breathing apparatus with a full facepiece operated in the positive pressure demand mode with appropriate turn-out gear and chemical resistant personal protective equipment.
Extinguish fire using regular foam, carbon dioxide, dry chemical. Water or foam may cause frothing which can be violent and possibly endanger the life of the firefighter. Wear a self-contained breathing apparatus with a full facepiece operated in the positive pressure demand mode with appropriate turn-out gear and chemical resistant personal protective equipment.
Lower exp. limit
Accidental Release Measures
Small spills/leaks
Small Spill - Absorb liquid on vermiculite, floor absorbent, or other absorbent material and transfer to hood. Large Spill - Eliminate all ignition sources. Persons not wearing protective equipment should be excluded from area of spill until clean-up has been completed. Stop spill at source. Pump or vacuum transfer spilled product to clean containers for recovery. Absorb unrecoverable product. Transfer contaminated absorbent, soil and other materials to containers for disposal.
Small Spill - Absorb liquid on vermiculite, floor absorbent, or other absorbent material and transfer to hood. Large Spill - Eliminate all ignition sources. Persons not wearing protective equipment should be excluded from area of spill until clean-up has been completed. Stop spill at source. Pump or vacuum transfer spilled product to clean containers for recovery. Absorb unrecoverable product. Transfer contaminated absorbent, soil and other materials to containers for disposal.
Stability and Reactivity
Strong oxidizing agents.
Strong oxidizing agents.
Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, chromium fumes, lead oxide fumes, various hydrocarbons.
Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, chromium fumes, lead oxide fumes, various hydrocarbons.
- Company Name:Winchem Industrial Co. Ltd
- Tel:0574-83851061
- Fax:86-574-87083209
- WebSite:http://www.win-chemical.com
- Company Name:Shanghai Hanhong Scientific Co.,Ltd.
- Tel:021-54306202 13764082696
- Fax:
- WebSite:https://www.hanhongsci.com
- Company Name:Beijing HuaMeiHuLiBiological Chemical
- Tel:010-56205725
- Fax:010-65763397
- WebSite:http://www.huabeibiochem.com/
- Company Name:Hangzhou J&H Chemical Co., Ltd.
- Tel:0571-+86-571-87396432
- Fax:0571-87396431
- WebSite:http://www.jhechem.com
- Company Name:Hubei Jusheng Technology Co.,Ltd
- Tel:027-59599241 18871490274
- Fax:027-59599241
- WebSite:http://www.jushengtech.com