Home > Fentin hydroxide > Fentin hydroxide(76-87-9)
Fentin hydroxide(76-87-9)
Supplier Product Identification
Physical and Chemical Properties
First Aid Measures
Handling and Storage
Hazards Identification
Exposure Controls/Personal Protection
Fire Fighting Measures
Accidental Release Measures
Stability and Reactivity
Transport Information
Product Identification
Product Name
Fentin hydroxide
Fentin hydroxide
Fentin hydroxide
Tri(phenyl)tin hydrate
Fentin hydroxide
Tri(phenyl)tin hydrate
Molecular Weight
Agricultural Chemical and Pesticide; Tumorigen; Organometallic; Mutagen; Reproductive Effector; Primary Irritant
Agricultural Chemical and Pesticide; Tumorigen; Organometallic; Mutagen; Reproductive Effector; Primary Irritant
EC Index Number
EC Class
Carcinogenic Category 3; Toxic for reproduction Category 3; Very toxic; Toxic; Irritant; Dangerous for the Environment
Carcinogenic Category 3; Toxic for reproduction Category 3; Very toxic; Toxic; Irritant; Dangerous for the Environment
Physical and Chemical Properties
Odorless white powder. Stable at room temperature.
Odorless white powder. Stable at room temperature.
Solubility in water
1.2 ppm
1.2 ppm
Melting Point
Vapor Pressure
1.54 g/cm3 (20 C)
1.54 g/cm3 (20 C)
In antifouling paint.
In antifouling paint.
First Aid Measures
Seek medical assistance.
Seek medical assistance.
IMMEDIATELY leave the contaminated area; take deep breaths of fresh air. IMMEDIATELY call a physician and be prepared to transport the victim to a hospital even if no symptoms (such as wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath, or burning in the mouth, throat, or chest) develop. Provide proper respiratory protection to rescuers entering an unknown atmosphere. Whenever possible, Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) should be used.
IMMEDIATELY leave the contaminated area; take deep breaths of fresh air. IMMEDIATELY call a physician and be prepared to transport the victim to a hospital even if no symptoms (such as wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath, or burning in the mouth, throat, or chest) develop. Provide proper respiratory protection to rescuers entering an unknown atmosphere. Whenever possible, Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) should be used.
IMMEDIATELY flood affected skin with water while removing and isolating all contaminated clothing. Gently wash all affected skin areas thoroughly with soap and water. IMMEDIATELY call a hospital or poison control center even if no symptoms (such as redness or irritation) develop. IMMEDIATELY transport the victim to a hospital for treatment after washing the affected areas.
IMMEDIATELY flood affected skin with water while removing and isolating all contaminated clothing. Gently wash all affected skin areas thoroughly with soap and water. IMMEDIATELY call a hospital or poison control center even if no symptoms (such as redness or irritation) develop. IMMEDIATELY transport the victim to a hospital for treatment after washing the affected areas.
First check the victim for contact lenses and remove if present. Flush victim's eyes with water or normal saline solution for 20 to 30 minutes while simultaneously calling a hospital or poison control center. Do not put any ointments, oils, or medication in the victim's eyes without specific instructions from a physician. IMMEDIATELY transport the victim after flushing eyes to a hospital even if no symptoms (such as redness or irritation) develop.
First check the victim for contact lenses and remove if present. Flush victim's eyes with water or normal saline solution for 20 to 30 minutes while simultaneously calling a hospital or poison control center. Do not put any ointments, oils, or medication in the victim's eyes without specific instructions from a physician. IMMEDIATELY transport the victim after flushing eyes to a hospital even if no symptoms (such as redness or irritation) develop.
Handling and Storage
Elevated temperatures should be avoided to prevent dehydration of the material.
Elevated temperatures should be avoided to prevent dehydration of the material.
All chemicals should be considered hazardous. Avoid direct physical contact. Use appropriate, approved safety equipment. Untrained individuals should not handle this chemical or its container. Handling should occur in a chemical fume hood.
All chemicals should be considered hazardous. Avoid direct physical contact. Use appropriate, approved safety equipment. Untrained individuals should not handle this chemical or its container. Handling should occur in a chemical fume hood.
Hazards Identification
May be fatal. May cause irritatior or burns. Vapors may cause dizziness or suffocation.
May be fatal. May cause irritatior or burns. Vapors may cause dizziness or suffocation.
Some tin compounds may cause sensitization, irritation or burns, and may be percutaneously absorbed.
Some tin compounds may cause sensitization, irritation or burns, and may be percutaneously absorbed.
See inhalation.
See inhalation.
Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite and sore throat have been reported.
Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite and sore throat have been reported.
Vapors may form explosive mixtures with air. Vapors may travel to source of ignition and flash back. Most vapors are heavier than air. They will spread along ground and collect in low or confined areas (sewers, basements, tanks). Vapor explosion and poison hazard indoors, outdoors or in sewers.
Vapors may form explosive mixtures with air. Vapors may travel to source of ignition and flash back. Most vapors are heavier than air. They will spread along ground and collect in low or confined areas (sewers, basements, tanks). Vapor explosion and poison hazard indoors, outdoors or in sewers.
Exposure Controls/Personal Protection
Personal Protection
If Tyvek-type disposable protective clothing is not worn during handling of this chemical, wear disposable Tyvek-type sleeves taped to your gloves.
If Tyvek-type disposable protective clothing is not worn during handling of this chemical, wear disposable Tyvek-type sleeves taped to your gloves.
Wear a NIOSH-approved half face respirator equipped with an organic vapor/acid gas cartridge (specific for organic vapors, HCl, acid gas and SO2) with a dust/mist filter.
Wear a NIOSH-approved half face respirator equipped with an organic vapor/acid gas cartridge (specific for organic vapors, HCl, acid gas and SO2) with a dust/mist filter.
Exposure Effects
Triphenyl tin: encephalopathy, polyneuropathy trimethyl tin: tinnitus, lightheadedness, aggression, unresponsiveness; seizures in one human case and in experimental animals tributyl tin: weakness, loss of appetite, headache trialkyl tin: eeg abnormalities and altered consciousness diiododiethyl tin: headache and cerebral edema
Triphenyl tin: encephalopathy, polyneuropathy trimethyl tin: tinnitus, lightheadedness, aggression, unresponsiveness; seizures in one human case and in experimental animals tributyl tin: weakness, loss of appetite, headache trialkyl tin: eeg abnormalities and altered consciousness diiododiethyl tin: headache and cerebral edema
Exposure limit(s)
OSHA: PEL (8 h TWA): 0.1 mg/m3.
OSHA: PEL (8 h TWA): 0.1 mg/m3.
Poison Class
Fire Fighting Measures
Fire Fighting
Fires involving this material can be controlled with a dry chemical, carbon dioxide or Halon extinguisher.
Fires involving this material can be controlled with a dry chemical, carbon dioxide or Halon extinguisher.
Fire Potential
This material is probably combustible.
This material is probably combustible.
Accidental Release Measures
Small spills/leaks
If a spill of this chemical occurs, FIRST REMOVE ALL SOURCES OF IGNITION, then you should dampen the solid spill material with acetone and transfer the dampened material to a suitable container. Use absorbent paper dampened with acetone to pick up any remaining material. Seal your contaminated clothing and the absorbent paper in a vapor-tight plastic bag for eventual disposal. Solvent wash all contaminated surfaces with acetone followed by washing with a soap and water solution. Do not reenter the contaminated area until the Safety Officer (or other responsible person) has verified that the area has been properly cleaned.
If a spill of this chemical occurs, FIRST REMOVE ALL SOURCES OF IGNITION, then you should dampen the solid spill material with acetone and transfer the dampened material to a suitable container. Use absorbent paper dampened with acetone to pick up any remaining material. Seal your contaminated clothing and the absorbent paper in a vapor-tight plastic bag for eventual disposal. Solvent wash all contaminated surfaces with acetone followed by washing with a soap and water solution. Do not reenter the contaminated area until the Safety Officer (or other responsible person) has verified that the area has been properly cleaned.
Stability and Reactivity
It is stable at room temperature but dehydration may occur at elevated temperatures.
It is stable at room temperature but dehydration may occur at elevated temperatures.
Sensitive to temperatures above 113F and prolonged exposure to light Incompatible with strongly acidic compounds Incompatible with oils used in oil spray formulations.
Sensitive to temperatures above 113F and prolonged exposure to light Incompatible with strongly acidic compounds Incompatible with oils used in oil spray formulations.
Combustion Products
Toxic gases and vapors may be released in a fire involving organic tin compounds.
Toxic gases and vapors may be released in a fire involving organic tin compounds.
Transport Information
UN Number
Hazard Class
Packing Group
- Company Name:Meryer (Shanghai) Chemical Technology Co., Ltd.
- Tel:021-61259108 18621169109
- Fax:86-21-61259102
- WebSite:https://www.meryer.com/cn/index/
- Company Name:Alfa Aesar
- Tel:400-6106006
- Fax:021-67582001/03/05
- WebSite:http://chemicals.thermofisher.cn
- Company Name:Chemsky(shanghai)International Co.,Ltd.
- Tel:021-50135380
- Fax:
- WebSite:http://www.shchemsky.com
- Company Name:Syntechem Co.,Ltd
- Tel:
- Fax:E-Mail Inquiry
- WebSite:http://www.syntechem.com/
- Company Name:Maya High Purity Chemicals
- Tel:+86 (573) 82222445 (0)18006601000 452520369
- Fax:+86 (573) 82222643
- WebSite:https://www.chemicalbook.com/ShowSupplierProductsList15221/0.htm