Wheat peptide is a small molecule peptide substance obtained from proteins extracted from wheat protein flour, a natural food, and then through directed enzymatic cleavage and specific small peptide separation technology. Wheat Oligopeptide is made from wheat gluten flour, through the process of pulping, protease enzymatic digestion, separation, filtration and spray drying.
Product Applications
Clinical drugs: Wheat oligopeptide has the effect of inhibiting the rise of cholesterol, lowering blood pressure, effectively regulating nerves, inhibiting ACE, blocking angiotensinase, immunomodulation, antioxidant, etc. It is widely used in clinical drugs.
Health care products: Wheat oligopeptides have physiological active functions such as immunity enhancement, antioxidant, blood pressure reduction, blood lipid reduction, etc. They can be added to health food products such as disease prevention, cholesterol reduction, antioxidant, blood pressure reduction, etc.
Wheat oligopeptide has good water solubility, stability, compatibility, low price and excellent processing performance. And rich in glutamine, it is an excellent glutamine preparation, which can regulate the protein content in skeletal muscle cells, therefore, wheat oligopeptide can be added to beverages for producing protein drinks, blending acidic drinks, flavoured milk drinks, sports drinks and other liquid beverages, and can also be used to produce protein powder, formula milk powder and other solid drinks.
Wheat oligopeptide can be added in baked goods and wheat products to improve the flavour, soften the food and extend the shelf life In addition, wheat oligopeptide can be applied to new fermented food, feed, nutritional powder and other industries with its specific functional characteristics.