Propofol was patented by John (Ian) Glenn and Roger James in 1977. Intralipid® emulsion (FresenuisKabi, BadHomburg, Germany) was formulated in 1989 with Diprivan ® (Astrazeneca, London, UK), and therefore contains the same ingredients, namely soybean oil (100 mg/ml), glycerin (22.5 mg/ml), glycerin (22.5 mg/ml), soy oil (100 mg/ml) and glycerin (22.5 mg/ml). And ovophosphate (12 mg /mLChemicalbook), is still the current mainstream formula (as well as medium and long chain fat milk, mainly counting heat cards). Because of infection (to change the pipeline), some added ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA; 0.05mg/mL). Drug metabolism Propofol is mainly metabolized by the liver, and about 1% is excreted in urine as prototype, and about 2% is excreted in feces [2]. Patients disappeared from consciousness 30 to 50 years after receiving a single dose of propofol intravenously, lasting 4 to 6 minutes.