Sodium hyaluronate, also known as sodium hyaluronate, is a physiologically active substance widely existing in animals and human body. It is distributed in human skin, joint synovial fluid, umbilical cord, aqueous humor and ocular vitreous. It is a high molecular polysaccharide biological material formed by repeated alternation of n-acetylglucuronic acid. This product has high viscoelasticity, plasticity and good biocompatibility. It plays an obvious role in preventing adhesion and repairing soft tissue. It can be used for Chemicalbook assisted treatment of deformable knee joint disease and periarthritis of shoulder. It can be used for various skin injuries and promote wound healing. It is effective for abrade and laceration, leg ulcers, diabetic ulcers, pressure ulcers, debridement and venous stasis ulcers. Sodium hyaluronate is the main component of synovial fluid and one of the components of cartilage matrix. It can lubricate the articular cavity, cover and protect the articular cartilage, improve the joint contracture, inhibit the surface of cartilage degeneration, improve the pathological joint fluid and increase the dripping function.