P - dibromobenzene quality index
Item refers to the standard value
Outwardly white crystals
P - by child BrC6H4Br
P - dibromobenzene content ≥ 99%
Density (D2020) g/cm3 1.832
PH 6.0 ~ 8.0
The water of 0.05% or less
Chinese name: p - dibromobenzene
English name: 1, 4-Dibromobenzene
Molecular formula: P-BRC6H4Br Molecular weight: 136
CAS Number: 106-37-6 RTECS Number: CZ1790000
HS Code: 2903399090 UN Number: UN 2711
Page number of the IMDG Rules:
Physical and chemical properties Appearance and properties: white crystal; Soluble in hot ethanol, acetone, ether and hot tsuen.
Main uses: used in organic synthesis, also as dye intermediate.
Melting point: 87.32°C Boiling point: 220.40°C
Relative density (water =1) : 1.832 water ≤ : 0.05%
P-dibromobenzene content ≥ 99% PH value: 6.0 ~ 8.0
Solubility: insoluble in water, soluble in hot ethanol, acetone, ether, and hot benzene, soluble in ethanol, benzene.