Name: Puerariae Extract (Kudzuvine root extract),
Part use: Root
Plant Original: Pueraria Lobata (wild) Ohwi
Molecular Formula: C21H20O9(Puerarin)
Molecular Weight: 416.38
CAS No: 3681-99-0(Puerarin)
Pueraria mirifica, also known as Kwao Krua or White Kwao Krua, is a root found in northern and north eastern Thailand and Myanmar. Kwao Krua is a native herbal plant found in deep forests of the northern region of Thailand. Researchers in the last few years have examined its properties and assessed its possible medical uses
1. Relieve Tension in muscles and promote blood circulation
2. Descend myocardial oxygen consumption and resist cancers.
3. Increase coronary blood flow and stimulate blood micro-cycle.
4. Treat sudden deaf of all aged group.
5. Promote the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Pharmacological Action: An effective pharmaceuticals in mind-brain & blood vessel disease cure. Treatment of many ailments including phlebothrombosis, arterial obstructive disease and retina disease acute deafness, cardiac infarction, coronary heart disease, hypertension and hyperlipidemia.
(1) Applied in food field, puraria isoflavones can be used in foods and health products, to lower blood pressure and blood-fat.
(2) Applied in pharmaceutical field, puraria isoflavones is widely used in biopharmaceuticals and API of cardiovascular system agents in China. As a kind of Chinese medicine injectio, puerarin is a common drug for heart and cerebrovascular disease.
(3) Applied in cosmetics field, the phytoestrogen effect of puerarin can relieve symptom caused by decrease in estrogen level and aging, such as mastoptosis, crinkle, decrease in skin vitality and leukotrichia. Hence, it is frequently used in breast cream, eye cream and skin cream.