Ammoniun metavanabate CAS 7803-55-6 is a white or slightly yellow crystalline powder. It is an inorganic acidic salt.Slightly soluble in water and denser than water. Decomposes at 210°C(410°F). May release toxic fumes. Moderately toxic. An irritant. Used as a dryer for paints and inks, and for dyes. Loses ammonia upon heating.
Chloride (Cl), % ≤ 0.005
Iron (Fe), % ≤ 0.005
Content (NH4VO3), % ≥99.0
Sulfate (SO4), % ≤0.01
1.Used in combustion analysis of carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen
2.Uses in dyeing and printing on woolens; staining wood black; manufacture of vanadium black and "indelible ink"; producing vanadium luster on pottery; as photographic developer; in hematoxylin staining in microscopy;
3.As reagent in analytical chemistry,vanadium is often purified from aqueous extracts of slags and ore by selective precipitation of ammonium metavanadate. The material is then roasted to give vanadium pentoxide
4.Vanadates can behave as structural mimics of phosphates, and in this way they exhibit biological activity
5.Ammonium metavanadate is used to prepare Mandelin reagent, a qualitative test for alkaloids.