Substituted cathinones, including 4-
methylmethcathinone (hydrochloride) and 4-
methylethcathinone (hydrochloride) are psychoactive compounds commonly used as recreational drugs.
1,2 4-
Ethylethcathinone is a substituted cathinone with potential for abuse. Its physiological and toxicological properties have not been characterized. This product is intended for forensic applications.
1. Schifano, F., Albanese, A., Fergus, S., et al. Mephedrone (4-methylmethcathinone; 'meow meow'): Chemical, pharmacological and clinical issues Psychopharmacology (Berl.) 214(3),593-602(2011).
2. Kikura-Hanajiri, R., Uchiyama, N., and Goda, Y. Survey of current trends in the abuse of psychotropic substances and plants in Japan Leg. Med. (Tokyo) 13(3),109-115(2011).