This isomeride of the preceding alkaloid also occurs in Cocculus sarmentosus
Diels and C. trilobus DC. It crystallizes in stellate clusters of colourless prisms
and has [α]19D + 293°. The dihydrochloride also forms prisms, m.p. 310°C and
the dimethiodide decomposes at 262°C. The base also contains two methoxyl
groups and two methylimino groups and the corresponding methylmethine has
m.p. 115°C and is optically inactive.
Kondo, Tomita.,!. Pharm. Soc., Japan, 47, 39 (1927)
Kondo, Tomita., ibid, 48, 83 (1928)
Kondo, Tomita., ibid, 50,91 (1930)
Faltis., Annalen, 497, 69 (1932)