Wrede has obtained this alkaloid from the seed capsules of Papaver somniferum.
It crystallizes from aqueous MeOH in colourless rectangular rods and has [0:]5° -
189° (CHCI3) and + 5.8° (c 0.1 NiHCI). One phenolic hydroxyl group is present
in the molecule and the base forms the O-acetate, m.p. 208-9°C, giving a hydro_x0002_chloride as the monohydrate, m.p. 230-3°C (dry); [0:]5° + 94.8° (H 20). The
acid tartrate forms colourless needles which, decompose at 190-205°C and the
picrolonate has m.p. 202-3°C. On treatment with CH2N2, the alkaloid gives
Narcotine (q.v.).
Desmethylnarcotine is an impurity of Narcotoline an opiate alkaloid and a structure analogue of Nascapine (N882000), an antitussive agent. Noscapine (N882000) metabolite.
ChEBI: Narcotoline is a member of isoquinolines.
Wrede., r;hem. Zentr., I, 2611 (1937)
Wrede., ibid, II, 863 (1938)