Antineoplastic; biological response
Roferon-A (Hoffmann-LaRoche).
Interferon alfa-2a is used in the treatment of hairy cellleukemia and AIDS-related Kaposi sarcoma in selected patientsolder than 18 years of age. It is also used to treatchronic hepatitis C, and in patients with this disease, interferonalfa-2a can normalize serum alanine aminotransferase(ALT) levels, improve liver histology, and decrease viralload. The drug has a direct antiproliferative activity againsttumor cells. Modulation of the host immune response probablyplays a role in the antitumor activity of interferon alfa-2a.The interferon is supplied as a solution or as a powder forsolution.
Potentially hazardous interactions with other drugs
Aminophylline and theophylline: metabolism of
aminophylline and theophylline reduced, consider
reducing dose of aminophylline and theophylline.
Antivirals: increased risk of peripheral neuropathy
with telbivudine.
Immunosuppressants, e.g. ciclosporin, tacrolimus,
sirolimus may have an antagonistic effect
Alpha-interferons are totally filtered through the glomeruli
and undergo rapid proteolytic degradation during tubular
reabsorption, rendering a negligible reappearance of intact
alfa interferon in the systemic circulation.