Yellowish or amber colored liquid. Soluble in alcohol, miscible with essential oils and perfume chemicals. Pungent, herbaceous-oily and heavy-sweet odor of considerable tenacity and displaying a gamut of “natural” odors.
An analog of pyrethrolone in which 2-propanyl replaces the 2,4-pentadienyl group.
Allethrolone is used as an intermediate in the manufacture of insecticides (Benzol Products, Inc.). Although this substance is considered a useful fragrance material in artificial flower absolutes, etc., it is generally considered too dangerous for any type of cosmetics. This substance is interesting mainly because of its close chemical relationship to "Cyclotene" (methylcyclopentenolone) and more distantly to Jasmone. It is worth noting that there is a close relationship between allyl acetone, pyrethrin and jasmone, and the first two substances contain methyl chrysanthemic acid in their molecules.