Labelled 7-Ethyl Adenine is used in the preparation of alkyl bromoadenine derivatives as A2A and A2B receptor antagonists. Its a derivative of Adenine (A280480), widespread throughout animal and plant tissues combined with niacinamide, d-ribose, and phosphoric acids; a constituent of nucleic acids and coenzymes, such as codehydrase I and II, adenylic acid, coalaninedehydrase. It is used in microbial determination of niacin; in research on heredity, virus diseases, and cancer.
7-Ethyl Adenine-d5 is used in the preparation of alkyl bromoadenine derivatives as A2A and A2B receptor antagonists. Its a derivative of Adenine (A280480), widespread throughout animal and plant tissues combined with niacinamide, d-ribose, and phosphoric acids; a constituent of nucleic acids and coenzymes, such as codehydrase I and II, adenylic acid, coalaninedehydrase. It is used in microbi al determination of niacin; in research on heredity, virus diseases, and cancer.