A further alkaloid found in various Orrnosia species, the structure of this base
has recently been revised, making it the ll-epimer of Panamine (q.v.). It has
[α]589 + 9.6° and [α]436 + 14.9°. The dipicrate, m.p. l46-8°C has been
prepared but this decomposes when purification by recrystallization is attempted
Lloyd, Homing.,J. Arner. Chern. Soc., 80, 1506 (1958)
Naegeli, Wildman, Lloyd., Tetrahedron Lett., 2069 (1963)
Naegeli et al., ibid, 2075 (1963)
Revised structure:
Wilson., Chern. Ind., 472 (1965)
Wilson., Tetrahedron, 21,2561 (1965)