Forkhead family transcription factor (FKHRL1), also known as FOX3a, is a member of the forkhead transcription factor superfamily. In FKHRL1 (FOX3a), there are three PKB phosphorylation consensus sites, Thr32, Ser253, and Ser315. Thr32 and Ser253 are phosphorylated by PKB after induction by survival factors such as IGF-1.
Forkhead transcription factor superfamily proteins act as the targets of the phosphoinositide-3-kinase–protein kinase B/Akt (PI3K-PKB) pathway. FKHRL1/FOXO3a modulates the expression of several genes that regulate DNA repair in response to stress at the G2-M checkpoint and aging. Other genes that are regulated by FKHRL1 include mitotic genes such as cyclin B and polo-like kinase (plk). Antibodies reacting specifically with FKHRL1 (FOXO3) may be useful in studying the expression and function of the protein, as well as for correlating their expression pattern with physiological functions or pathological conditions.