Cissampelini Methiodidum is a methiodide of the Yahonglong alkaloid
(Xishengteng alkaloid II), extracted from the roots and stems of Yahonglong
(Cissampelos pareira L.). “Daijisong” is the trade name . Yahonglong is the
whole dry plant of Xishengteng (Cissampelos pareira L.) from Menispermaceae
family and is traditionally used in Dai nationality . It is found in the northwest
of Guangxi, southwest of Guizhou, and southern of Yunnan. It grows in tropical
riverside, sandy beaches, wasteland, slopes, or wetlands in bushes. It has been
excavated in spring and summer, and then the sediment was removed and dried.
Cissampelini Methiodidum is a muscle relaxant with exact curative effect successfully
developed in China.
Appearance: light yellow, odorless, and crystalline substance with slightly bitter
taste. Solubility: slightly soluble in hot water; very slightly soluble in cold water or
ethanol; insoluble in ether and chloroform. Melting point: 277–281 °C. Cissampelini
Methiodidum in the clinical use is the racemic methiodide of curarine .
Tubocurarine is a natural bisbenzylisoquinoline alkaloid isolated from
Menispermaceae plants. It is one of the major toxic components of tubocurare. In
the early 1950s, Pradhan reported a new muscle relaxant, Hayatin, extracted from
Xishengteng of India . The racemic d, l-tubocurarine extracted from
Yahonglong (Dai drug) by scientists in China was methylated to make iodomethane
salt which was named as Cissampelini Methiodidum (trade name is Daijisong) .
Cissampelini Methiodidum injection is mainly used as muscle relaxant for shallow
general anesthesia surgery, cooperatively used with diethyl ether, fluothane,
methoxyflurane, and other inhalation anesthesia as well as intravenous administration
of procaine, herbal anesthesia, and anesthetization by acupuncture.
Cissampelini Methiodidum is a non-depolarizing muscle relaxant that blocks the
striated muscle at the neuromuscular junction. It can make all the striated muscle
relax until the respiratory muscle paralysis. During its respiratory depression, effective
artificial respiration can gradually restore breathing. The time of onset is less
than 1 min and has a duration of action of 20 min in intravenous administration. Due
to the accumulation effect, repeated administration in 30 min should reduce the dosage.
Synergistic effect was observed in combination with diethyl ether. It barely
affects the circulatory system, which was applicable to use as muscle relaxant in
shallow general anesthesia surgery .
Cissampelini Methiodidum can relax the muscles in the shallow general anesthesia,
and thereby, it could avoid deep anesthesia and reduce the dosage of anesthetic,
which was beneficial for operation. It can be used in various surgeries in thoracic,
abdomen, urology, obstetrics, gynecology, and orthopedics. It can be used in combination
with diethyl ether, fluothane, methoxyflurane, as well as intravenous
administration of procaine, herbal anesthesia, and anesthetization by acupuncture.