Ammonium permanganate is a violet-brown
or dark purple crystalline (sugar-like or sand-like) solid.
Crystal or powder form, having a metallic sheen in rich violet-brown or dark-purple shades, soluble in water.
A crystal or powder with a rich violet-brown or dark purple metallic sheen. Toxic by ingestion or inhalation of dust.
Dry AMMONIUM PERMANGANATE may explode on shock, friction or heating [Hawley]. Mixtures with acetic acid or acetic anhydride may explode if not kept cold [Von Schwartz p 34 1918]. Explosions can occur when permanganates that have been treated with sulfuric acid come in contact with benzene, carbon disulfide, diethyl ether, ethyl alcohol, petroleum, or organic matter.
May explode on shock or on exposure to heat. Toxic by ingestion or by inhalation of dust or fume. Powerful oxidizer.
Probably an irritant. A powerful oxidizer. Moderately flammable by chemical reaction with reducing agents. Explosive when shocked or warmed to 60°. Can be exploded by percussion. When heated to decomposition it emits toxic fumes of NOx and NH3. Incompati
This material is used in bleaching and
dyeing operations in the textile and leather industries.
UN0473 Substances, explosive, n.o.s., Hazard
Class: 1.1 A; Labels:1.1A-Explosive (with a mass explosion
hazard); A-Substances which are expected to mass detonate very soon after fire reaches them, Technical Name
Required. UN3085 Oxidizing solid, corrosive, n.o.s.,
Hazard Class: 5.1; Labels: 5.1-Oxidizer, 8-Corrosive material.
Technical Name Required.
Explosive; a strong oxidizing agent.
Contact with reducing agents; fuels and other combustible
materials; heat, or friction may cause a violent reaction.
Ammonium permanganate, when dry, may explode from
shock, friction or heating. Incompatible with acetic acid,acetic anhydride, benzene, carbon disulfide, diethyl ether,
ethyl alcohol, petroleum, combustibles, or organic matter.
Generators of waste (equal to
or greater than 100 kg/mo) containing this contaminant,
EPA hazardous waste number N450, must conform with
USEPA regulations for storage, transportation, treatment
and disposal of waste. Dispose of waste material as hazardous
waste using a licensed disposal contractor to an
approved landfill. Dispose of contents and container to an
approved waste disposal plant. Containers must be disposed
of properly by following package label directions or by
contacting your local or federal environmental control
agency, or by contacting your regional EPA office. All federal, state, and local environmental regulations must be
observed. Do not discharge into drains or sewers.